Light in the Darkness

Amidst the darkness of Covid and the long winter nights, St Paul's Church in Morley are bringing light to their town this Christmas. 

Light in the Darkness is the name of their new campaign, encouraging everyone to display extra outdoor lights throughout the winter months as a way of bringing hope and the message of Jesus.

"Everywhere you go people are saying ‘it’s going to be a dark winter,'" said Revd Sue Forrest-Redfern, the vicar at St Paul's Church.

"We hope to leave these winter lights up until the natural light starts blessing us once again, and the darkness of Covid is beginning to fade.

"The diocese created a fantastic logo for the campaign and Light in the Darkness is, of course, a very strong Christian concept, especially as we remember Jesus, light of the world coming as Emmanuel that first Christmas. 

"We are putting up cards we’ve had printed in our windows of the logo, and using it on all our advent Christmas publicity. Maybe this will bring a tiny drop of encouragement in an ocean of despair this winter."

St Pauls Church now has an illuminated Nativity outside its East end, including the holy daily, an angel and a star. They have also put strings of small lights around the trees in their churchyard, and a banner offfering love and support to the community.

Why not join them in bringing light to your community? Contact Sue by email if you wish to receive a copy of the logo and banner to use at your church.

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