Light Night premier at Leeds Minster

Holy Trinity Boar LaneLight Night is one of the UK’s largest annual arts and light festivals, and over two evenings, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 October, some of Leeds’ most recognisable indoor and outdoor spaces were transformed by spectacular artworks and captivating performances by local, national and international artists.

This year Leeds Minster opened its doors to visitors throughout both evenings and held two special Light Night candle-lit events including the premier of extracts from a new requiem, 'Penthos'.. It marked the start of events remembering the First World War a century ago, with extracts from the new Requiem being sung throughout the evening. 


Pictured top left are the  St Peter’s Singers who performed the new work written by Hannah Stone and Matt Oglesby. Pictured right is the installation placed in Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane.

Along with the atmospheric singing in the candlelit setting, visitors were also able to catch glimpses of the figures which make up the ‘There but not there’ installation in the church, which represent men of Leeds who went to war but never returned. The  transparent figures were dotted in pews around the church with details of the soldiers from WW1 they represented. 


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