Lights shine for a brighter future in Manston

Hard hats, scaffolding towers and a cherry-picker have been a regular feature at St James Church in Manston after undergoing a full lighting make-over.

St James the Great, the Parish Church for Cross Gates in East Leeds, managed to raise £32, 000 to complete the much needed works. This was achieved through a combination of monies allocated from legacies and reserves, a grant from the Leeds Church Extension Society and church members donating towards the Lighting Fund.

In recent months two of the Ministry Team have also reached ‘significant milestones’. One celebrating their 80th birthday and the other their 25th Anniversary to Priesthood. On each occasion donations were gratefully received. 

Along with a much brighter church building, the new lighting system has enabled greater flexibility in its use and will be significantly more efficient in terms of energy usage and ongoing maintenance.

On the first Sunday of advent the congregation are looking forward to welcoming The Rev’d Dr Hayley Matthews, Director of Lay Training for the Diocese, to preach at a Eucharist of Thanksgiving and Dedication for the new system.

“We will be both giving thanks for our newly ‘lit-up’ church and  praying that we may more faithfully ‘shine as a light’ in this community where God has placed us (as well as making sure that we use all the light switches)!” said The Revd Carolyn James, vicar of Manston.

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