Live Youth Work Conversation looks at difficult questions of racism

How difficult discussions about racism and racial injustice can be had with our young people was the topic of a recent Facebook live conversation supported by the diocese.
The Live Youth Work Conversation was titled “How Does the Killing of George Floyd affect my Youth Work?”, and featured Deborah Newbould, Education and Mental Health Practitioner, Dean Pusey, who is training to be a Vicar in the Church of England, Ben Green, Youth Advisor for the Diocese of Blackburn and Jonathan Masters, Youth, Children and Families Missioner for the Diocese of Chester. 
The conversation featured talk about the current situation in the USA and beyond, and how we look to have difficult discussions about race with our young people today.
Liz Morton, Children, Young People and Families Team Leader for the Diocese of Leeds, who has been involved in these series of talks, said: “We’re really pleased to be involved in the piece of work that made this happen; as the discussion highlighted these are uncomfortable conversations, but so important.”
The full conversation can be found here

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