Livestreaming keeps Collective Worship going for kids

Children from a primary school in the diocese have been able to worship together despite current restrictions, thanks to livestreaming from one of our priests.
The Revd Ruth Newton, Vicar of St John’s Sharow, recently led Collective Worship virtually for children from Sharow Primary School, using Facebook Live to connect to children at home and the small number still in school.
Revd Ruth said: “When we learned that the schools were going to close I was concerned that the children would lose contact with the Church just when they might feel the need of it. 
“I emailed the school and told them I would be livestreaming on Facebook at the same time as our regular collective worship. 
“The school told the parents and streamed it themselves. 
“I did an assembly about the light of the world and the children responded by sending me (via email) pictures which now feature on our Facebook page.”
Revd Ruth is continuing her streaming, including leading actions songs after requests from the children.
Their worship can be seen here.

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