Locally written book explores journeys of faith

Paths to Christ is the name of a newly published book, written by Professor Maurice Mullard, a member of St Margaret’s Church in Ilkley. 

Maurice, a professor of economics and social policy, has previously written books on economics, globalisation, citizenship and social justice. At present he is also the advisor to the government of Malta on economic policy.

Paths to Christ, in Maurice’s words, explores his personal journey of faith and seeks to help others who are on their journey with Christ.  

“We are all on unique paths to God,” explains Maurice. 

“I realise we need to use the words in the Gospels to create pictures, to put ourselves in those pictures and reflect on feeling the moment,” said Maurice.

“I think of the prodigal son who runs home with tears asking for the Father to forgive him, yet the Father is always waiting and knows the walk of his son. 

“I see myself so many times in those tears, with the many blessings God has given to me, which makes me humble and aware of my human fragility.”

Maurice wrote this book as a dedication to his grandmother who became his guardian after his mother left him as a baby. 

“My grandmother was very poor but led me into a safe and loving life.”

“I keep reflecting and thinking that God was there for me all the time, providing me with so many blessings to study to become a professor.” 

“My hope is, guided by the parable of the talents, that we all realise our role and use our talents to make this world a better place. 

“I work in Malta so I spoke a lot with a priest there and I have acknowledged him in the book.”

Paths to Christ: Love God, Love my Neighbour, Hunger for Justice can be purchased here on Amazon. All royalties for the book will be donated to Cancer Research UK.

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