Low Moor pupils graduate as Active Leaders

Twenty Year 5 pupils from Low Moor C. of E. Primary School have become the first graduates of an exciting ‘Active Leader’ project.  

The ceremony, hosted at Richard Dunn Sports Centre, was attended by the Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Zafar Ali, who presented children with certificates and badges in recognition of their achievements.  

The project was made possible following the school’s successful bid for funding from the Department for Education’s ‘Essential Life Skills’ initiative, which aims to boost opportunities for young people across Bradford. Low Moor were keen to ensure that their successful bid included innovative and exciting experiences that would enable pupils to develop in each of the key ‘essential life skills’ areas.  

The school enlisted the expertise of Kings Camp, a not-for-profit organisation that they have worked with for several years. Kings Camp have a wealth of experience providing sporting activities and leadership opportunities for children across the UK and beyond. They were therefore well placed to help design and implement the Active Leader programme at the school.

The graduates began their journey in September, formally applying for the role of Active Leader before being shortlisted and interviewed by a panel of staff from Low Moor and Kings Camp. The newly appointed Leaders were provided with a base pack of equipment and training which has enabled them to design and lead fun, exciting games at playtimes. As a result, the school, which has limited outdoor space, has seen a significant increase in the number of children being active and enjoying quality games and play with their peers throughout the day.  

Yvonne Broadbent, Headteacher of Low Moor C. of E. Primary School said, "The Active Leader programme that we have developed with Kings Camp has made a significant difference to all the children in our school.

"Not only has it helped to achieve the aims of the Essential Life Skills programme, it has ensured that the health, safety and well-being of all our pupils has improved.  

"We are especially proud of how each Active Leader has developed over the last term and the confidence and innovation they have shown when delivering the games and activities they have designed.  

"We look forward to seeing these skills develop further as they continue on their journey and take on the role of mentor, inducting the next cohort of Active Leaders which will be recruited this term."

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