Messengers of love hit the town of Mirfield this Christmas

Over sixteen hundred angels have descended on homes, businesses and schools as part of Mirfield Churches Together initiative spreading messages of love and peace around the town for Christmas.

These little knitted messengers turn up in the unlikeliest of places –inside telephone boxes,  window baskets, school walls and garden fences and are creating a bit of a phenomena across the town.

It is the second year the Churches Together team have hidden angels around the town to be discovered – inspired by a church project in the north east - and within moments of leaving them, messages began to appear on social media sites sharing the joy of finding one.

As the caretaker of Old Bank School, I dread this time of year, having to grit everywhere , and the thought of walking in the freezing icy weather to work. But today I have a huge smile thanks to the ladies of the churches who kindly give up their time and generosity to make the angels.I have found loads on our school fence. Our children will be so happy. We will place one on every tree we have in school. Thank you from all at Old Bank School and myself for making my walk to work a pleasure. ” 

“ Cant believe Ive been lucky enough to find one of the Christmas Angels this year! It has made my day. Thank you to whoever made her. She will be well loved and looked after. I opened the blinds and what did I see? Beautiful angels looking at me. ” 

Thank you so much for our angel - it’s made our day to find her waiting for us outside the Kirkwood Hospice fundraising department! 
What a truly wonderful sentiment - thank you!

Whilst waiting for my lift home from work an hour ago a lady found an Angel on a wall. She came over and gave it to me as she already has one at home. What a lovely gesture. Thank you. When I arrived home there was an Angel attached to my hand rail. Thank you to the people who make these. I know just the person to pass one of mine onto. Happy Christmas. 

Thank you to whoever knits these beautiful angels! My little girl was over the moon when we found one this morning! Merry Christmas Xxx

Not only those who found the angels were full of joy but the secret angel deliverers also enjoyed their work! 

“Loved delivering the angels, went out at 6.40am - very icy and slippy! I saw one of my neighbours walking to work and her daughter had texted to ask her to look for an angel for her child - people were already on Facebook saying the angels were around!"

The vicar of Christ the King, Battyeford, the Revd Maggie McLean explained: "Angels come in all shapes and this was true for the multitude of angels distributed by Mirfield’s ‘Churches Together’ on a very cold and icy morning just before Christmas.

“Angels are messengers and our knitted angels took messages of love and peace around the town. Within moments of leaving them on school walls and garden fences, outside pubs and pizza places, perched on window sills and children’s playgrounds, messages appeared on Face Book and other Social Media sites of the delight and joy of finding one. 

"One thousand six hundred angels in total were distributed around Mirfield to the delight and joy of all involved. Thank you so much to everyone who gave their time and talent to this amazing venture. Never too early to start knitting for next year!

Pictured left is the angel factory at work!

We have our Angels. Made our day! Thank you so much. Fantastic Mirfield community spirit yet again! Merry Christmas! X

Just want to say on a site full of negativity at times how lovely and heartwarming to see the posts and pics of the lovely angels left around Mirfield what an absolutely amazing thing to do and the true spirit of Christmas! God bless the wonderful people responsible x

We live in a lovely community! Woke up to this little gift on our fence. Made our day... Thank you so much and Merry Christmas! 

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