Messy Church baptism in Calverley

St Wilfrid’s, Calverley have just celebrated their first Messy Church baptism.

The idea came from Sarah Cohen, one of their Messy Church team. She says, "The family of Ewan, who was to be baptised, come regularly to Messy Church, so we thought it would be good to have his baptism as part of Saturday Messy Church.

"Guests were invited to do craft activities, including making a ‘baptingle’ (right) - which was the idea of 10 year old Amelia."

The Revd Phil Arnold (below) says, "Some people see Messy Church as a way into church. We look at it as the main service for a lot of the families who come regularly and enjoy the opportunity to worship and have fun as a family.

"The logical extension of this is to offer baptism at Saturday Messy Church as well as on a Sunday morning and afternoon.

"It was great fun (over 100 people came to see Ewan baptised), and another way of worshipping in a way that resonates with people today."

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