Minster opens its doors for private prayer

Halifax Minster reopens to the public today with time for private prayer between 11am to 2pm, every day of the week.

The Minster will not be open for tourists and general visiting until further guidance is given by both the Government and the Church of England.

Those who come to pray should observe social distancing and hygiene regulations put in place to provide a safe space for everyone.

Hand sanitiser and signage have been installed and sections of the Minster will not be available to the public.

Discussions with Calderdale Interfaith, Calderdale Council of Mosques, and Public Health in Calderdale are ongoing as we look to support other places of worship opening in the next few weeks.

Canon Hilary Barber, Vicar of Halifax, said: “I’m delighted that the Minster is able to open again for people of all faiths and none to come and say their prayers and to sit quietly and enjoy this sacred space in the town.

“We want to ensure that a warm welcome is available to everyone and that the Minster is a safe space for all.”

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