Modern-day \'pilgrims\' visit Ripon Cathedral

Worshippers from Huddersfield have made a modern-day pilgrimage to one of our historic cathedrals.  
Some 140 people made their way to Ripon Cathedral on Saturday, September 21 for a day blessed with glorious weather, which enabled everyone to enjoy the Cathedral, inside and out.
The idea for the spiritual visit was formed by the Dean of Ripon, the Very Revd John Dobson and Bishop of Huddersfield, the Rt Revd Jonathan Gibbs more than a year ago.
Bishop Jonathan said: “The universal response is that it was a wonderful day, which enabled all concerned to appreciate more fully Ripon Cathedral as a jewel in the crown of the Diocese, and also the great variety which goes to make up our huge Diocese.  
“Huge thanks to Canon Barry, the Dean and all their colleagues for making it possible.”
The aim of the trip was to build closer links between the cathedral and the other Episcopal Areas.
The “pilgrims” were welcomed with true Benedictine hospitality on arrival, followed by a short introduction to the history of the Cathedral from Canon Barry Pyke, who explained the role played by Saint Wilfrid and Saint Cuthbert at the time of its foundation.
A bonus was the presence in the Cathedral of a wonderful exhibition of art works from across the region, including a striking painting of Slaithwaite, to the delight of parishioners from St James’ Church there.
After a Eucharist for St Matthew’s Day, the group dispersed to either the Deer Park or to the Dean’s Garden, for a picnic or food and drink in the nearby restaurants.
After an afternoon tour by one of the Cathedral’s guides, the day ended with a short service of Evening Prayer in the Choir.

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