Moments of worship, friendship and beauty captured in this year's summer photo competition

The winner - sent to us by Rev Chris ChorltonEnergetic commitment to Jesus featured prominently in the fantastic entries to this year’s Capture a Christian Summer photo competition, which was run through the Leeds CofE Camera Club Facebook page.

Images from across the diocese showed folk of all ages taking part in a wide range of activities, from spiritual summer camps to moments of simple worship to full immersion baptisms in beautiful locations.

Choosing a winner was incredibly difficult, but a joyful picture from the Parish of Girlington, Heaton and Manningham, together with St Margaret’s Frizinghall has been awarded the top spot.

Diocesan Director of Communications, Chris Tate said: “It would be hard to equal so many great smiles in one image, which was taken at New Wine United in Peterborough.

“And bonus points for being a camping photo taken without any rain!”

Picking three runners-up was also a hard task, and in no particular order they are featured in the first row below

Congratulations to all those who sent in other great photos, some of which are also included underneath the runners up. If you wish to take a closer look at any of the images, please click on them and they will be enlarged.

The Leeds CofE Camera Club is open for anyone to join who wishes to share pictures from their church in the Diocese of Leeds. Why not find us on Facebook?



One of the runners up - sent to us by Sarah Anne Clark One of the runners up - sent to us by Sophia Higgins One of the runners up - sent to us by Stuart Davis
Sent to us by Revd Anne Russell Sent to us by Martyn Smith Sent to us by Mark Waddington


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