Mothering Sunday theme aims to grow hope through faith

Nurturing hope in a hurting world is the theme of this year’s Mothering Sunday liturgy, which has been specially written for the Mothers’ Union.

“For 2019 Mothering Sunday liturgy has once more been written for us by the students of St. Mellitus College, London,” said diocesan MU President Jean Thurman, pictured left.

“We are encouraged to share this with clergy and on the MU website- see link below, there are several really useful resources.” .

The liturgy for the service on Sunday, March 31 has three suggested questions that could be used as starters for sermons and reflections that link in with the readings:

• How is Mary’s story expressive of the brokenness we face in today’s world and how is her pain consoled?

• What does family look like to God? Concerning Mary, who had to allow her son to leave her in a painful way.

• What nurtures you and brings you hope? Christ has given us abundant consolation, so how can we bring consolation to a hurting world?

The prayer for Mothering Sunday from St Mellitus is below:

Loving Saviour, who experienced the love of an earthly mother, on Mothering Sunday we reflect and give thanks for Mother Earth, Mother Church and our earthly Mother. 
You have supplied the earth with abundant riches. We pray that humankind be wise stewards of your bounteous provision for the needs of all. Help us to encourage everyone to care for your earth so that future generations will enjoy its beauty. 
Thank you for Mother Church; for the opportunities to worship together, and, as a church community, reach out in love and acceptance to the lonely, the stranger, the refugee, all who are our neighbour. 
We thank you for the love and nurture received from our own Mother. We are grateful that she set us on our way, protecting us from harm, directing us on the best way to live our life. We feel so blessed for her guidance which has enabled us to be the person we are today. 
We ask you Lord to bring comfort and healing to everyone who this Mothering Sunday will be saddened, upset, or hurt by the memories of the day. All who have lost their mother recently or many years ago and yet the pain and deep sadness still remains. 
All who have been abandoned for whatever reason by their mother. All who have been unable to have a child. All who have lost a child. All who have been hurt or abused. We ask you to enfold them in your arms and surround them with your love in their pain and sorrow. 
We pray that you will give each of us the grace to be mindful of others, to be kind in our words and be sympathetic to others’ situation. 

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