Mothers’ Union President, Jean, elected for another three years

Jean Thurman, the President of the Mothers’ Union for the Diocese of Leeds has been elected to continue as President for another three years.

Jean became the first President of the new diocese in January 2016 and was a Vice-President of the historic Wakefield Diocese.  She lives in Halifax and has been a member of Mothers' Union since 1981. 

During the present ‘triennium’ Jean’s focus has been on working hard to bring together Mothers’ Union members in the five Episcopal Areas – Huddersfield, Wakefield, Bradford, Leeds and Ripon.

Jean’s appointment as the Diocesan Mothers’ Union President for the next triennium,  2019-2021, has been approved by the Bishop of Leeds, the Rt. Revd Nick Baines, and she will take up office at the beginning of 2019.

We assure Jean of our best wishes and prayers as she continues in this role

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