Mothers' Union say thank you for care and compassion of key workers

With key workers having done amazing things to keep us safe and the country running this year, the Mothers’ Union has launched a new appeal using their own expertise to say thank you.
The ‘Thank You Key Workers’ Appeal looks to provide new one-day experiences and short breaks for key workers who have had their lives impacted  by the pandemic, often being forced to be apart from loved ones and losing out on quality family time.
These experiences are based on the Mothers’ Union’s ‘Away From It All’ (AFIA) program, which aims to bring families together using similar holidays and experiences. 
This new appeal is looking to raise vital funds to support our key workers, and also to raise awareness of what the AFIA program achieves each year. 
If you would like to learn more about the appeal, apply to be supported by it or want to nominate someone, please click here.

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