Mother's Union tasked to raise its profile across the diocese

Mothers’ Union Worldwide President Sheran Harper has called for global reconciliation in a ground-breaking address to the CofE’s General Synod.

It was the first time an MU Worldwide President has had the privilege of doing this and her announcement that she is the first Worldwide President from outside the British Isles was greeted with much applause.

Sheran, pictured, was born in the UK, but grew up in Guyana, which is within the Anglican Province of the West Indies.

She said that she has taken up Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby's challenge to ensure MU is visible throughout the Anglican Communion and beyond.

“We have a vast network like no other and we are placed in the heart of communities,” said the former Worldwide Parenting Advisor for the MU.

 “Tea, coffee and cake – with a mission.

“We are united despite our diversity, we can make changes to reach safety and peace and build relationships for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.”

Sheran gave the assurance that there is space for both older and younger women in MU, but that it meet young women where they are, engage them with what excites and inspires them and what they see as important.

Jean Thurman, MU Diocesan President for the Diocese of Leeds said it was a powerful performance:

"Sheran did us proud!"

“She gave examples of members working to bring about reconciliation in different parts of the world and then went on to talk about MU members in the UK providing safe spaces and listening to people.

“MU is alive in the UK working diligently in the background - we must all take up the challenge to make that work highly visible and I challenge our members to do this,” Jean said.

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