Musicians of Bradford unite!

MusicCanon Paul Maybury at Bradford Cathedral is hoping that singers and musicians across the Episcopal Area will be willing to share their skills and interests with others.

Paul is compiling a list of singers and musicians who would be willing to be called on for particular Episcopal Area events, including those at Bradford Cathedral where he is Precentor.

“I am sometimes asked which churches have Music Groups or which have choirs,” said Paul.

“ I am also sometimes in need of finding musicians and/or singers for particular Episcopal Area events, often at the Cathedral. To enable me to respond well to these and other questions, I'm inviting all parishes in the Episcopal Area to complete a form.

Paul Maybury“If every musician and singer in every church in the Episcopal Area completed the form we would have a complete list of musicians and singers and would be able to share information about training opportunities for singers and musicians; we'd be able to contact individuals directly if there is a need for particular singers or musicians for particular events; and we would be able to share skills across our parishes and better support each other in our primary calling, as the people of God, to offer worship which is pleasing to God, honours his name and builds his church.”

The simple online form invites anyone who sings or plays in church to list their instrument or voice and provide an idea of skill level from 1 to 5.

Find the form here

Paul says, “Please share this document with the musicians in your church and actively encourage them to complete the online form. If you have any questions, or comments, please be in contact with me. Canon Paul Maybury, paul.maybury@bradfordcathedral   or call 07496968234 

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