Nativity and carols across Keighley thanks to new treasure hunt

It won’t be a ‘silent night’ in Keighley this Advent season, thanks to nativity storyboards set up by the church. 
The Revd Graham Potter, part of the Team Ministry in Keighley, has set up eight boards across the town to form a treasure hunt for people to follow.
Each board helps tell the Christmas story, starting with the angel Gabriel coming to Mary and ending with praise at the birth of Jesus.
Also on the boards are QR codes that when scanned, take people to a different Christmas carol to sing along to, safely as they are outside, socially distanced and with the wearing of masks recommended..
Revd Graham said: “It’s really strange, I think we’ve all really missed singing.
“The treasure hunt was created to allow people to sing carols in a Covid-safe way.
“I created the scenes using a nativity set of figures from the Embrace the Middle East charity, and a sheet of railway modeller’s grass. 
“Then I added the Bible verses for each part of the story and a QR code which takes you to a YouTube video of a carol allowing people to sing along with their phones.”
The boards have proved popular, and have been shared for free with other churches across our diocese and in other parts of the country.
If you would like to make your own copies, please email Revd Graham at 

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