New advice on the best ways and means to livestream after lockdown

How to bring digital learning developed during lockdown into our reopening churches is the subject of a new resource page on our website’s COVID-19 section.

Taking church online has presented a number of new opportunities and technological challenges for all of us.

And as church buildings prepare to host services with congregations once more, a new missional horizon presents itself.

Streaming from a Church Building page can be found on the COVID-19 landing page and is here to offer suggestions for churches looking to live stream their services and events from any place of worship.

It also includes some of the options available with regards to equipment, preparation and what churches need to consider when it comes to faculty permission, data protection and safeguarding.

Digital and Social Media Officer for the diocese, Richard Earnshaw said: “We hope this will be a useful resource for parishes as we all try to progress after lockdown.

“It is an evolving resource, so any tried and tested suggestions are welcome and for any further advice, please email

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