New book \'Holy Spirit Radicals\' launch

The Vicar of Christ Church in Upper Armley, Leeds, Arani Sen, has launched his new book, ‘Holy Spirit Radicals, Pentecost, Acts and Changed Society’ (Wednesday 25th July at 6.30 pm at the Leeds Church Institute).

In his new book, Arani Sen argues that the charismatic movement has encouraged a return to the standpoint of the apostles in Acts as well as demonstrating how, in Acts, whole communities are transformed and the excluded and marginalised included.

In Holy Spirit Radicals, Arani advocates a church for all people, regardless of background, race, ethnicity or social status as well as permeating all areas of society, especially where there is poverty or discrimination. 'Arani Sen brings the Book of Acts to life for the 21st century and gives many case studies of how the Holy Spirit is able to bring about widespread change', said one reviewer.

Archdeacon of Bradford and New Wine’s Head of Urban Ministry, Andy Jolley, said that with Acts of Apostles being used “creatively” as framework, “Arani writes powerfully from his working experience in urban communities to speak for and from churches in these areas, seeking support for them from the wider church.

“In so doing, he passionately weaves together his concern for justice with powerful stories of God’s transforming work in individuals and communities.” Andy Jolley added.

Arani Sen was born in Yorkshire of Indian, Hindu parentage. He was converted to Christianity in a dramatic experience as a student. He is an ordained Anglican vicar and passionate about inner city, urban ministry. He is currently Vicar of Christ Church, which is an exciting diverse community running major social projects. He is also part of the New Wine movement.

Holy Spirit Radicals is available on Amazon.

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