New Christian book club launches across country this month

A new book club is being launched for churches in the UK, looking to encourage as many Christians as possible to read and share books that they find helpful.
The initiative, ‘The Big Church Read’, is aiming to help start good conversations between folk about various books, the first of which being ‘The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry’, by John Mark Comer.
The first session will go live on their website on September 21, with those taking part called to watch the video, read the appropriate chapter and discuss it with friends.
About the club, the Rt Revd John Pritchard, former Bishop of Oxford, said: “A growing church has to be a learning church, and a learning church has to be a reading church. 
“Otherwise, the seed springs up quickly but with no real depth of soil and it gets scorched by the sun of secularism. 
“The Big Church Read is an idea so simple and obvious you wonder why it hasn't already happened. 
“But now it has, and I very much hope many churches get on board and discover the benefits and beauty of a church that's steadily deepening its knowledge and love of God.”
The Big Church Read is a joint initiative from St Andrew’s Bookshop and Hodder Faith; to find out more, and to buy the book at a reduced price, please visit the website by clicking here

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