New church kitchen and communal space opened by Lord Mayor of Leeds

A striking new kitchen and communal space at St Matthews', Chapel Allerton, has been officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Leeds.

The £150,000 project was funded by loans from worshippers and grants from the Veolia Trust and other charitable bodies.

It has provided an attractive curved kitchen and meeting area, walled off from the main worship area by glass panelling.

 A dementia cafe will be one of the many uses for the new facilities and other work undertaken in the re-ordering, supported by the Diocesan Advisory Committee, included relocating the 1637 font to a more useable position nearer to the main entrance.

The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Cllr Graham Latty, cut the celebration ribbon at a launch party on Sunday and is pictured below with Bishop of Kirkstall, the Rt Revd Paul Slater, together with architect Richard Crooks (centre left). They are also pictured with aa splendid cake (below) made in honour of the occasion and crafted in the shape of the redevelopment.


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