New church-run Food Hub helps those most in need in East Leeds

A Leeds church has been making sure that the most vulnerable in their area still have vital supplies, by setting up a new centre for distributing goods. 
St Hilda’s Cross Green has been serving as a focal point for those needing food and other provisions across parts of East Leeds, with the establishment of the St Hilda’s Food Hub.
Led by Father Darren Percival, Priest in charge of Cross Green and Richmond Hill, and Karl Footitt of Community Unity, a small number of volunteers have been taking supplies to vulnerable people and others affected by the coronavirus, leaving them on the doorstep to comply with the Government’s advice on keeping a distance from each other. 
Fr Darren said: "It was totally devastating to see the community tumble like a domino effect within a week, as one by one each community group closed its doors. 
“The principal of the local school asked what we were doing, and if they could help us.  
“We also had the offer of some food and toiletries, and we had the space of the community room. 
“So we set up the St Hilda's Food Hub, providing a source in these unprecedented times to the isolated, vulnerable and families of Cross Green and Richmond Hill."
The church already has its own supply of dried and tinned food and toiletries which it regularly gives out to vulnerable people and those in need, but it was soon being supplemented by donations from individuals and other groups.
These donations included supplies from St George’s Crypt, Harvey Nichols, the Wakefield cheesemongers Cryer and Stott and a weekly delivery from Rethink Food which normally goes to Richmond Hill Academy.
Those helped include families who have found themselves without any income, the elderly and those with underlying health problems. 
St Hilda’s serves one of the poorest parishes in the country and has one of the highest rates of child poverty, which means for those suddenly without work they have no reserves to fall back on.

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