New commission to address rural decline launched in our region

A panel of experts chaired by the Dean of Ripon Cathedral will attempt to tackle the decline of North Yorkshire’s most rural communities.

This initiative is thought to be the first of its type in England and North Yorkshire County Council has invited eight people with extensive knowledge of rural affairs, the environment and tourism, upland farming, economics and the county’s culture and geography – to come together to examine key issues and challenges. 

By next summer the new Rural Commission will be expected to put forward a series of workable solutions for the council’s evaluation.

Dean John Dobson said: “There is no doubt that our very rural communities face many pressures in the modern world, but by exploring these together in a structured way we hope to get a greater understanding of the issues and therefore the potential solutions.

“We will operate independently of the council but be supported by them and this is important because often a fresh perspective can shed light on problems which may not necessarily be new themselves.

“North Yorkshire County Council is to be congratulated on establishing this rural commission.

“Engaging with this great rural region and its particular challenges and opportunities is a priority for us at Ripon Cathedral. It is a privilege to be serving as the commission’s chair.”

While their findings and recommendations will be public, the commissioners will sit in private and will meet with and hear from people living in isolated communities.

Cllr Carl Les, Leader of the County Council, said:

“Our challenge is to examine these issues in a new and innovative way and seek workable solutions to halt and reverse rural decline.

“I am delighted with the calibre and enthusiasm of our commissioners and wish to thank them for embracing our invitation with such passion and grit.”


The new commissioners are:

  • The Very Rev John Dobson, Dean of Ripon (Chair)
  • Martin Booth - experienced community worker, project manager, trainer and social entrepreneur
  • Chris Clark - Partner in Nethergill Associates, a business management consultancy – building an eco-hill farm business – member NDNPA
  • Heather Hancock - chairs the Food Standards Agency, a Government department which regulates the food and feed industry
  • Jean MacQuarrie – Editor-in-Chief, Yorkshire Weeklies – JPI Media
  • Professor Sally Shortall - Duke of Northumberland Chair of Rural Economy, Newcastle University
  • Dr Debbie Trebilco - Director of Community Energy England and of the North York Moors National Park Trust.
  • Sir William Worsley - Chairman of the National Forest Company and of Hovingham Estate. 
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