New environment resources for Rogationtide this Sunday

A suite of specially prepared resources have been published for Rogationtide, Sunday May 17, by the Diocesan Environment Worship Group. 
The new resources include liturgy for rogation processions, which could be done as part of daily exercise, as well as a Sunday service sheet and an activity sheet for children.
Jemima Parker, Diocesan Environment Officer, said: “Rogation is great time to reconnect with God’s creation, to remember that Christ’s death and resurrection was for the renewal of all things.
“I think the pandemic has made us all much more aware of how dependent we are the natural world, from our farmers keeping us fed to our bin men collecting our rubbish. 
“These resources are a helpful way for us to reflect on this.”
Rogationtide is an ancient agricultural festival in the Church Calendar. 
Traditionally, the whole community would process around the parish boundaries asking for God’s blessing on the fields, the crops and the parish. 
As it takes place in springtime and after Easter, there is a strong theme of resurrection and renewal at Rogation. 
The Rogationtide resources can be found here
Thank you to Christine Jack for putting them together. 

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