New faces at Bradford Cathedral

Two new key appointments have been made at Bradford Cathedral.

Sarah Field-Bleši?  (pictured lefthas been appointed as the Cathedral’s new Chief Operations Officer.  She comes from 16 years in the legal sector with top UK law firm, Irwin Mitchell.

“This is a change from the legal sector,” says Sarah, “however I am excited about getting to know the team and working with everyone to help the Cathedral achieve its goals. I understand it is the Cathedral’s centenary in 2019 so this is a thrilling time to be part of the team as we prepare the community and the Cathedral for this special year.”

Dean Jerry says “ We really look forward to welcoming Sarah to the Cathedral and being part of our team. She will bring significant experience and help us to build on the developments of recent years."

Also appointed is a New Director of Education and Visitors. Maggie Myers  (right) has worked in education for twenty-seven years and is an experienced secondary school teacher with a background in English and Drama.

Maggie says,  "I am really looking forward to joining the team at Bradford Cathedral and I am excited by the educational, creative and spiritual opportunities that the post presents.”

Dean Jerry says, “This is a really important post for us in our engagement with all ages in the community of Bradford. We are delighted that Maggie will be joining us later in the year and look forward to her contribution to the team and the development of this aspect of our ministry.”

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