New generosity resources released in time for Harvest

New resources to help churches think about giving have been released in time for Harvest this year.
The campaign, called ‘Generous Harvest’, aims to help churches meaningfully and prayerfully engage with both giving and gratitude in a year where many have been negatively affected by the current pandemic. 
The resources have been prepared for Generosity Week, which runs from Sunday September 27 until Harvest Sunday on October 4.

Becky Nicholson, Lead Stewardship Officer, said: “At a time when many of our churches are struggling financially, and we are all working hard to conduct mission and ministry in new and unfamiliar ways, Generous Harvest is a convenient ‘off-the-shelf’ resource to help us thank God for His generosity and encourage us to live generous lives.”

The resources can be found here.
Alongside these new resources, the diocese is continuing to encourage churches to sign up for the Parish Giving Scheme.
The Parish Giving Scheme aims to make direct debit giving to local churches easier, by allowing those giving to ‘inflation-proof’ their gift when they make it, and also increasing cash-flow to the church, with reduced banking administration and faster transfer of Gift Aid.

Janet Edmond, Diocesan Stewardship Officer, said: “The Parish Giving Scheme has enabled many to continue giving generously to their church throughout lockdown; helping to sustain support for ministry and mission during these challenging times. 
“Parishes now wishing to embrace the PGS will find the Generous Harvest resource a valuable vehicle for launching the PGS to their congregations and help encourage a step change in the level of giving.”

You can find out more about the Parish Giving Scheme here.

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