New hymn from Wakefield Cathedral shared during digital Evensong

Wakefield Cathedral have produced a new hymn celebrating the things they have achieved during lockdown, which was shared as part of a recent fully digital choral evensong. 
The musicians at Wakefield Cathedral have been keeping busy during this time, with Assistant Director of Music James Bowstead putting the choristers and lay clerks through their paces with weekly Zoom rehearsals. 
The fruits of these efforts have contributed to the Cathedral’s weekly streamed Eucharist. 
The members of the choir surpassed themselves with a full digital Choral Evensong on Sunday 12 July, edited by Richard Wainwright from the vergers’ team.
The final hymn in the service has words written by the Cathedral Precentor, Canon Leah Vasey-Saunders, and is set to Vaughan Williams’s stirring hymn tune normally sung as For All the Saints. 
The hymn video includes singing from the Cathedral congregation recorded in their homes and is accompanied by a montage of ‘cathedral moments’ from the last four months of lockdown, acting as a reflection on our response to the challenges of God’s faithfulness during the pandemic.
The service can be found here, with the hymn starting at the 41 minute mark.

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