New mission venture with Church Urban Fund to work across our diocese

Wellsprings Together, the new Anglican Diocese of Leeds joint venture with the Church Urban Fund is gearing up to work across the diocese. 


The partnership  has been made possible by funding from Allchurches Trust and its role is to enhance the capacity of churches’ mission and neighbourliness in communities across this huge and diverse area, helping churches respond to the complex needs people face in their neighbourhoods. 


New relationships across the diocese are beginning to form with the recruitment of episcopal area champions and new funded partner projects underway.  


In Leeds, Wellsprings Together is working with churches and civic partners to develop Places of Welcome, in the Huddersfield area there is a Catalyst Young Leaders’ course in preparation, and across other areas Wellsprings is developing ideas around safe spaces for conversation including a project called Real People Honest Talk.     


Mark Waddington the Director of Wellsprings Together said: “We are a church for all people and poverty touches us all in many ways, some need is obvious but much of it hidden.


"I hope Wellsprings Together will help address some of the obvious areas of deprivation like hunger and homelessness, but also bring fresh insights into unrecognised aspects of poverty and the call to be disciples.”  


The work of Wellsprings Together goes back ten years when Wellsprings Together Bradford was formed, and now this new incarnation of the joint venture will extend this vital work across the diocese.


“There’s never been a more important time to reach out to our communities with love and compassion.


"Building bridges of friendship and being the good news in our communities is an essential part of our Christian mission.  I hope Wellsprings Together will be a constant companion and supporter of the work you do," Mark said.  


More news and information about Wellsprings Together resources and events will be published across the diocese from the beginning of April. In the meantime recruitment for a development worker is underway and more details about this position are available by emailing Mark at

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