New prayer lawn at Bradford church provides comfort

Eldwick Church’s lawn has been turned into a prayer field to help provide spiritual and emotional support for the area. 
A container of knitted blooms made by members of the congregation is available, and anyone passing can “plant” a flower as a prayer for themselves, family, or friends.  
Posters with uplifting messages are also being displayed around the village in gardens or on lampposts, to connect with people out walking.
Revd Peter Mayo-Smith, Minister at the church, said, “In these strange times, we’ve been finding new ways to be relevant and helpful to our local community.  
“The Church has always been about more than the physical building, and our efforts have been welcomed in the heartfelt and grateful response we have had to the prayer field and posters.”
The prayer field has proved popular, with dozens of flowers now in the lawn, and positive social media comments including poignant posts by recently bereaved people, unable to attend the funeral of their loved one due to current restrictions. 

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