New refurbishment lights up Christ Church Sowerby Bridge

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge has celebrated the end of a 12 month funding campaign with new lights that shone just in time for the Christmas celebrations.

The Sowerby Bridge Church commissioned a new responsive lighting scheme and emergency lights to replace old wiring and 1970s fluorescent tubes. 

The light levels have improved substantially so visitors can now see the architectural features and performers and exhibitors will enjoy an improved venue to host live entertainment and art exhibitions. The lighting was used for the first time during the church’s carol services and school nativity in December. 

The Community Foundation for Calderdale has supported the church with a grant specifically for the LED fittings as it met one of their ten core themes; ‘environment”’. They support charitable organisations that can make a real and lasting difference and challenge inequality across Calderdale. They helped the project demonstrate that even with a building dating from 1821 meaningful, sustainable and vital changes can be made to its carbon footprint.

Church Warden, Peter Henry, said: “This year our theme for Christmas and Epiphany is “Follow the Star”, as we celebrate Jesus as the Light of the World. It is wonderful that we can now vary the lighting in different parts of the church to spotlight the font or the altar, and to dim the lights for candle lit services. Looking forward, now we have emergency lighting we can safely use the church in the evenings for community events and hope to develop this in 2019.

"We are very grateful to all the other organisations and individuals who have contributed. Yorkshire based charities The Bramall Foundation and Sir George Martin Trust have helped with the challenge of re-wiring together with national support from Garfield Weston Foundation and Allchurches Trust. This project will ensure the church can serve the community for many years to come and improve the experience for those worshipping or visiting this Grade 2 Listed Building.

“The PCC want to thank all these grant givers, and members of the Unite Union and the Community Giving Scheme at our local Nestlé branch. Thanks also to local people who’ve attended fundraising events or made donations towards our appeal.”

Emma Woods Bolger from the Community Foundation said: “Christ Church submitted a compelling case for support, and are clearly committed to ensuring the Church reduces its carbon footprint, therefore along with our co-funders 6C, we were pleased to offer a grant to support to the project”.

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