New resources help illuminate Leeds church\'s stained-glass windows

Two parishioners from one of our Leeds churches have helped illuminate people about their stained-glass window with a suite of new resources.
Alastair Morton and Janet Fraser-Smith (pictured), worshippers at Christ Church Upper Armley, have collaborated to produce materials based around the windows that would further the mission of the church. 
These include a calendar, Christmas cards, a booklet published by the Leeds Church Institute entitled, “Refugee Realities in Church Art”, a booklet entitled, “The Life of Christ and its Impact – as portrayed in the stained-glass windows”, a 4-session Bible study, and two portable banners of selected windows. 
Six of the windows were erected as war memorials after World War One, to honour those who didn’t come home and thank God for those who did. 
The Revd Phil Arnold, Vicar at the church, said: “Alastair and Janet have created a wonderful resource that combines the art within the stain glass windows, with Biblical explanations, in the form of fabulous booklets and banners. 
“They have brought the windows to life, shedding new light on what they mean to us in our journey of faith.”
A link to pictures of some of the windows can be found here.

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