New resources to help us hear the Holy Spirit from Jesus Shaped People

How we see and respond to the Holy Spirit is the topic of a new seven week course for churches from Jesus Shaped People.
‘Stay Alert to the Spirit’ aims to help churches do exactly that: use this time of suffering and uncertainty can encourage a fresh alertness to the Spirit of God. 
The course uses different parts of scripture to look at seven different topics covering how we engage with the Spirit, with questions to be considered as well. 
The Revd Canon Gordon Dey, of Jesus Shaped People, said: “Suddenly the world is different.  
“We feel to have lost control, and we realise our vulnerability.  
“We sense that the future shape of our civilisation, both national and global, may be very different.    
“Often in the scriptures, and in the life of the church since then, periods of intense suffering and disturbing change have enabled a new listening to the Spirit of God.  
“When we are stripped of the things that we normally rely on, we may become more available, to listen and respond to his voice.  
“Jesus Shaped People has a distinctive way of looking at discipleship – it suggests that to follow Jesus we are best to grasp five priorities he adopted in his three year ministry. 
“In the current crisis these five JSP priorities can be seen in a new light, even as being a means whereby the Spirit of God can speak to us afresh.”
If you would like to explore using this in your church or organisation please visit the Jesus Shaped People website, found here.

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