New Strategy for our Maturing Diocese approved by Synod

Maturing in Christ, a five-year strategy for the Diocese of Leeds, has been overwhelmingly approved by our Synod.

The strategy, which in Bishop Nick Baines' words, "puts the parishes, schools and churches at the centre" was presented in revised form to delegates in Harrogate today, and supported without any opposition and only one abstention

It contains the five clear goals which will guide diocesan progress until 2024:

1.Thriving as a disinctive diocese whose culture is shaped by a shared vision and values

2.Reimagining ministry to promote clergy and laity working confidently in fruitful relationships

3.Nurturing lay discipleship

4.Building leadership pathways to continuously develop lay and ordained leaders

5.Growing young people as Christians

The strategy, first presented to Synod five months ago, has been extensively restructured, re-written, and now exists in three parts.

Its second section, Diocesan Strategy Objectives and Initiatives, was commended by Synod and a new Diocesan Strategy Toolkit, "Helping our churches to flourish", was officially welcomed as a work to be further tested and developed.

There was also a positive response to a new Diocesan Environment Policy, which was approved with one vote against and one abstention.

The Presidential Address was given by Bishop of Kirkstall, the Rt Revd Paul Slater, pictured right, in the absence of Bishop Nick, who is on sabbatical.

Preceeding the debate on the Enivronmental Policy, he began on the subject of climate change and showed a video "Seven," in which young children plead for adults to save the planet.

"Care of God's creation, love and stewardship of the created - as Christians we have an important part to play in that," Bishop Paul said.

"Good Christian theology includes a care and relevance for the world and climate's urgent."

He then said how the need for the church to flourish and grow also had a sense of urgency.

"We need to gather around this vision and the five goals as they provide us with the wherewithall to engage with this strategy in our own particular contexts.

"We are confident that here is a vision for a flourishing church in this part of Yorkshire - not just for its own sake, but for a church which is outward facing and making an impact on communities and places."

Bishop Paul picked out one strategic goal in particular; Nurturing lay discipleship.

"The Church of England is a poor thing if it is not essentially a lay church, equipped and motivated to live the life of discipleship in Christ beyond church walls," he said.

Each of the strategy's three sections were proposed by Dean of Ripon Cathedral, the Very Revd John Dobson, and seconded by Jane Evans (both pictured) of the Calder Valley Deanery and a member of the Strategy Group.

Both said how the opinions of Synod members expressed previously had been taken to heart and the substance and tone of the strategy altered accordingly.

This was gratefully acknowledged by many Synod members, who thanked the Strategy Group for its hard work in producing a reformated, more digestible and inclusive version which was warmly received.

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