New venture to help communities is launched across the diocese

Wellsprings Together - a joint venture between the Church Urban Fund and the Anglican Diocese of Leeds to help communities tackle a range of social issues has been officially launched.

This independent charity aims to encourage and support churches, community groups and other faith groups working together to enable flourishing neighbourhoods.

The new charity will build on the work of Wellsprings Together Bradford and expand the reach to improve access to resources, make local work more effective and create a framework for others to bring about positive change in communities by helping to bring people and resources together.

Important strands of work will include support for school holiday hunger activities, facilitating dialogue between faith groups, Places of Welcome addressing loneliness and work with the homeless.

Mark Waddington, Director of Wellsprings Together (pictured right) said:

“We are excited to be launching Wellsprings Together right across the diocese.

"Our mission at its simplest is to see neighbourhoods where people are kind and loving towards each other, but we’ll have a tough edge as we confront injustice and challenge the causes of poverty. 

"The strength of Wellsprings Together lies in strong partner relations and roots within the parishes.  We are a resource for the whole community not just the church and our work with other faith groups is very important”.

Its Chair, Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth (pictured) welcomed many guests at the launch in Church House, Leeds and said it was an exciting initiative which had started in Bradford, but would now benefit region.

The Rt Revd Nick Baines Bishop of Leeds said. “I congratulate Wellsprings Together.

“This will help us connect the local, the regional and the national – and dare I say the international. 

“I trust that new and exciting opportunities will open up as we work together."

The funding for this new charity has been made possible by Allchurches Trust and its spokesman said:

“Wellsprings Together is going to be an incredible force for good in West Yorkshire, the Dales and beyond linking people and resources together in order to build active and flourishing communities.

“Allchurches are delighted to fund this initiative to enable dynamic partnerships between faith groups, grass roots organisations, local government and others to work towards bringing about positive change.”


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