New video ministry grows from lockdown

A member of a Bradford church has found an opportunity to use her talents during lockdown by launching a new video-based ministry. 
Susie Garvey-Williams, a member of Holy Trinity Idle and an actor, started the ministry called ‘Living Breath’ with her friend Ben Driver, a professional videographer, after they were caught up in lockdown together. 
Susie was asked to produce some dramatized Bible readings by her vicar for their online church services, and so she and Ben got creative, with visual and sound effects, enhanced lighting and more, filming them in the house where they were spending lockdown. 
After producing some videos for Holy Trinity, Susie and Ben felt called to go further, so have launched the Living Breath website, where churches can subscribe to access a growing library of dramatic readings.
Susie said: “We really believe this is a ministry that God is calling us to do at the minute and we have lots of exciting videos planned throughout the year - including special videos around Christmas and other major events in the church calendar. 
“We have also started to connect with other Christian actors who have found themselves out of work during this time, to have a variety of different faces and voices on the videos going forward.
“Throughout all of this we have felt inspired by the Bible, particularly 1 Timothy 4:13: ‘Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.’” 
To cover the cost of the website, a subscription costs £35 a year – the website can be found here

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