New videos of diocesan youth resources produced by Leeds church

Children at St Giles’ Church in Bramhope have been enjoying diocesan youth resources with a twist, thanks to new videos produced by one of their youth leaders.
Gill Pinches, who runs the Toddler Group at the church with her husband, wanted to find a new way to share our material with the kids in the village.
She decided she wanted to turn our worksheets into videos, to help keep them fresh and engaging.
Gill said: “This lockdown situation has really given us all time to assess our priorities. 
“Our virtual services go out on a Mailchimp each week to a wide selection of people in the village. 
“I have tried to include a worksheet for children but I wasn't happy with this and thought it was getting too mundane. 
“I loved the material from the Children and Youth Team at the Diocese but they followed much the same format. 
“I have been discovering lots about PowerPoint's capabilities and thought about making the diocese worksheets into a video. 
“I'm loving doing this and as we go 'live' this weekend hoping and praying that young families find them useful.”
The video can be seen here, while the worksheets can be found here.

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