Nineteen new "Ambassadors of Christ" ordained across our diocese

Priests are ambassadors of Christ, both servants and followers of God - and will also be asked for their expertise on every aspect of humanity, said Bishop Tony at one of the five priesting services held across our diocese.

"You are to be God's people, anointed to bring God's Kingdom into people's lives.

"You are to set the example of the Good Shepherd, to share the Gospel with our neighbours in an increasingly complex and secular world.

"You will also be asked to experts on everything, from nits to osteoporosis," said Bishop Tony at Wakefeld Cathedral, where Bishop Nick ordained Mark Burns, Monika Doering, Rod Walker, Peter Clapham and Erik Peeters.

Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally gave the sermon at Leeds Minster where Bob Bailey, Chris Baxfield, Angela Birkin, Claire Corley, Rolf Mason and Dan Ross were ordained.

"It's been great being in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds," said Bishop Sarah, who led the ordinands' retreat.

"I learned as much from them as they did from me," she said speaking after the service.

"The Church in Yorkshire is really blessed to have these priests who have chosen to answer the call of God."

Claire Corley, wife of Sam Corley, Rector of Leeds Minster was ordained by the Bishop of Kirkstall, Paul Slater, together with Bob Bailey, Chris Baxfield, Angela Birkin, Rolf Mason and Dan Ross.

"It has been a wonderful year, with a real sense of God's presence and affirmation and one that has passed like a whirlwind!" Claire said.



Bishop Jonathan Gibbs ordained Yvonne Hagan, Stephanie Hunter and Michelle Petch at Huddersfield Parish Church (right) and Bishop Toby Howarth ordained Derek Jones at Bradford Cathedral (who is pictured with his family, below left).




At Ripon Cathedral, (below) Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley ordained Caitlin Carmichael-Davis, James Handley, Abbie Palmer and Alex Wheatley during what she called "a wonderful, joyous afternoon."




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