One mile for every year lived – Jeffrey sets out on 86 mile trek

Bingley parishioner and former paratrooper , 86 year old Jeffrey Long, has set off on a new challenge – walking 86 miles along the River Thames path, one mile for every year of his life, in aid of a variety of charities including the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Jeffrey is pictures being waved off by the Vicar of All Saints, Bingley, the Revd Martyn Weaver, before his marathon trek which began last Saturday with the first stage from the Thames Barrier to the London Eye.

There was a day off on Sunday 22 October to celebrate his 86th birthday and then on Monday, Jeffrey’s charity walk resumed from the London Eye to Putney.   After day one,  he said, “My feet feel tender after the walk on Saturday, but I am determined to do it. I have never had sore feet after I have done a walk before. I can’t resist raising money for charity.”

The rest of the trek is divided into seven more stages - Putney to Richmond, Richmond to Hampton Court, Hampton Court to Staines,  Staines to Windsor,  Windsor to Bourne End,  Bourne End to Henley-on-Thames finishing on the final stage of the journey,  Henley-on-Thames to Tilehurst scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 31.

Jeffrey was a paratrooper in the 1950s and is raising funds to support  charities which also include All Saints Church and  Support Our Paras.

No stranger to long distance walks,  including a 1,000-kilometre walk from London to Lausanne in Switzerland, Jeffrey has received the MBE for his charity work.

Two years ago, Jeffrey walked 84 miles along Hadrian’s Wall, another birthday walk, carrying a backpack with a 20kg weight, and last year walked  85 miles along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

You can sponsor Jeffrey by visiting, or, or send a cheque made payable to The Poppy Appeal to The Royal British Legion, 73-75 Albion Street, Leeds, LS1 5AA.

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