One of our Cathedrals introduces its new Canon Missioner

Wakefield Cathedral has announced the exciting appointment of a new Canon Missioner.

The Reverend Canon Peter Farley-Moore has accepted the invitation of the Bishop of Leeds to take up this significant role following interviews last week.

Peter is currently Area Dean of Deptford, where he’s been involved in an innovative and collaborative project backed by the Church Commissioners to develop buildings and church growth. He is Team Rector of a diverse team of churches and enjoys urban ministry.

He has been at the forefront of leading Interfaith work in Lewisham, chairing a refugee charity and nurturing young vocations. He is no stranger to Yorkshire, having studied and been ordained in Sheffield, he is delighted to be coming back.

Peter has a strong passion for mission having served in Hong Kong, worked for CMS and in multicultural SE London.

He became Honorary Canon of Mara Cathedral in Tanzania in 2013 and is keen to strengthen those links. He and his wife Andrea are looking forward to moving to Wakefield and getting to know the Cathedral community and city.

They have two adult sons, one in Leeds and the other in London. He will take up his new role at the end of March after a sabbatical.

Commenting on the appointment the Dean of Wakefield, Simon Cowling, said, “I am absolutely delighted that Peter will be joining the team at Wakefield Cathedral as our Canon Missioner.

“He is a person of deep faith and comes to us with rich ministerial experience and a proven commitment to mission and pastoral care," said Simon, pictured in front of the landmark building.

Peter said, “Wakefield Cathedral is strategically placed at the heart of its community and I believe has a vital role to play in renewal and community life in the coming years.

“It’s humbling to be able to serve in such a historic place of prayer.

“Andrea and I are looking forward to new adventures in Yorkshire.”

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