Clergy across the Huddersfield Episocopal Area are celebrating one year of mutual support to encourage church growth.
Every three months, the clergy and lay from each church are invited to come together to share good practice and help each other to think how they might grow their churches.
Bishop Jonathan gave the group money last Easter for an initial buffet lunch to launch the initiative and has let the clergy determine their own agenda and let the group develop in its own way.
The vicar of Mixenden and Illingworth, the Revd Robb Sutherland said: “We bring resources or ideas we’ve come across that have worked in our contexts to share and work through ideas we might have together.
We have some readers in the group and a lay people; everyone in the Episcopal Area is invited to bring leaders ordained or lay with them.
“It's also a place to pray together for our congregations as they seek to bring a glimpse of God's Kingdom into our part of West Yorkshire,” he added.
Next Meeting of the Church Growth Support Group is on 17th July at 12 noon
St Stephen's, Lindley.
Bring your own lunch.