For more than ten years, the Leeds Lent Prayer Diary has been invaluable in bringing Christians together in their prayers for the City of Leeds during Lent.
The 2018 edition is full of up-to-date information on over 60 ecumenical projects working in our communities. They cover a broad range, including social justice, youth work, community action, arts and creative projects.
With a circulation of around 2000, the diary provides Christians from different denominations with a daily prayer focus to pray for current needs in Leeds during Lent.
?You can order copies for your congregation or group here. (It may seem early, but Lent starts in mid-February and copies will be available from collection points across Leeds from 24 January.) Please order as many as you can distribute.
PLEASE NOTE: We are keen to get copies to new people and into new congregations. Please let people who are new to the Diocese know about it.