Over 80 years of “tremendous service” to church music celebrated in Garforth

After over 80 years as a chorister, Peter Davis, a member of St Mary’s Church in Garforth, has finally decided to hang up his robes.

Peter, pictured with the Revd Jane Brown, vicar of St Mary’s in Garforth, and Gillian Hainsworth, Director of Music at St Mary’s, was presented with the Royal School of Church Music’s loyal service medal in recognition of the many years of faithful service he has provided as a church chorister. 

Since the age of seven Peter has being involved in church music, most prominently as a tenor, and for the last thirty five years has been a member of the choir at St Mary’s Church in Garforth.  

Gillian Hainsworth said, “We want to say a huge thank you to Peter for his outstanding commitment, dedication and singing, which has set a fine example to our younger choristers at St Mary’s.”

“As well as being blessed with a gift for singing, Peter is a lovely person and it has been a pleasure to work with him in recent years.”

The Revd Jane Brown also said, “We are very grateful to Peter for his tremendous service to the choir and we still look forward to hearing him from the pews.” 


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