Palestine and Israel profiled at special Palm Sunday event

Jesus Weeps for Peace is the title of a special Palm Sunday event to be held at Bradford Cathedral, featuring inspirational stories from one of the world’s most deeply conflicted areas.

The evening event will focus on the relevant experiences of two women, Hedva Haymov and Shireen Awaad.

Hedva is a Messianic Believer living on the Golan Heights in Israel, while Shireen is a Palestinian Christian living behind the Israeli-built separation wall in the West Bank.

The women head up the Musalaha Women's Programme in Israel and Palestine.

Alongside their speech, there will be a welcome from Canon Paul Maybury of Bradford Cathedral and an introduction by John Drake of Musalaha UK.

There will also be opportunities for prayer and worship, readings and songs, and a short film.

The event will conclude with a Q&A session with Hedva and Shireen, and the opportunity to find out more about Musalaha, sign-up for further information and look at a selection of books available to purchase.

Canon Gordon Dey said: "The reconciliation work of Musalaha is a real 'light in the darkness' in the Holy Land, as Jews, Muslims and Christians are encouraged to listen to each other's stories, and understand each other's concerns.

"Hedva and Shireen will help us see the peace making potential of the varied Christian community in Israel and Palestine, for which Jesus wept when he approached Jerusalem."'

Jesus Weeps for Peace takes place on Sunday, April 14, at 6pm at Bradford Cathedral, with refreshments from 5.30pm.

Entry is free and your place can be reserved at

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