Palm Sunday celebrated digitally across the diocese

Following Bishop Nick’s call to continue to celebrate this season online, lots of churches offered digital worship this Palm Sunday. 
St George’s Church Leeds premiered their recorded Sunday service on YouTube, which included a video retelling of the Palm Sunday story, complete with costumes and tree branches.
St Peter’s Church Rawdon and the Leeds Diocesan Deaf Ministry team produced an All Age Family Worship service, in both English and British Sign Language, which involved teaching folk how to make their own paper palm cross.
Fountains Church Bradford streamed their Palm Sunday service, during which the Passion story was told using Zoom to allow for different voices to tell different parts of the story. 
Many other churches streamed and showed worship online, and are continuing to do so during Holy Week.
A table of some of our churches that are doing so can be found here, while more on Easter in the diocese this year can be found here

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