Pancakes and pretzels mark the start of Lent

Pancakes and pretzels are all part of the preparation for Lent at churches and cathedrals across the diocese.


On Sunday, St Nicholas, Upper Cumberworth made pretzels from scratch, pictured left,  and had pancakes in Denby Dale Methodist church on Saturday for Churches Together Messy Church.


St John’s Lepton had a pancake race around the church, see below right, – as part of their Messy Church on Sunday.


There were pancakes at St Stephen's Lindley and in Hemsworth, St Helen’s enjoyed mini Swedish pancakes as they began to turn their attentions to preparing for Lent.


Assistant Curate, Stephanie Hunter, in the United Benefice of Denby, Denby Dale, Cumberworth and Shepley, said she would be in charge of making pancakes for PCC members on Shrove Tuesday. 


Said Stephanie: “I am making pancakes in Holy Trinity, Denby Dale for our joint PCC meeting on Shrove Tuesday - we are having an evening to think specifically about Pastoral services and how we minister to those who come through our doors for these services."


At Ripon Cathedral the annual pancake races went ahead in cold rainy conditions but there was no shortage of racers, young and old including members of the Cathedral led by Dean John Dobson. Racing got underway at 11am with the sounding of the Shrovetide bell – and organisers say they gave away 300 cream eggs to participants. (Picture left courtesy of Simon Hulme/Yorkshire Post).

Lance Corporal Chris Smith (pictured right) of 21 Engineers cooked more than 400 pancakes to supply the races which were organised by Ripon Festivals and the Rotary Club of Ripon Rowels. And the media were present in force with BBC Radio York and Stray FM broadcasting the event live, and ITV Calendar filming for later broadcast.


Wakefield Cathedral hosted a pancake party to raise funds for the orphanage in our link diocese of Mara in Tanzania while at Coley, the out of school congregation hosted a pancake party to raise funds for Christians Against Poverty. (See two pupils below who are getting to grips with their ingredients) .

The Dewsbury Team Parish held a Pancake Praise event at St John’s, Dewsbury Moor, on Shrove Tuesday – they invited children primarily from St John’s and Westmoor Schools and the priest in charge and team rector designate, the Revd Simon Cash, said they would be doing crafts, playing games, singing and serving free pancakes all with a Christian message. 

Pictured left, getting ready for the pancake lunch at All Saints Normanton, and at St. Andrew’s Netherton there was a pancake party for all of the community  - sweet and savoury - including  Chilli Con Carne and Chicken casserole portions - entertainment with a Christian message from Dozy Dave the Magician!

Pancake parties and suppers took place at St John's, Ealand Road, Carlinghow , Wrenthorpe, Hoylandswaine, Barnsley, St John’s Cleckheaton, St Saviour's, Brownhill, and Huddersfield, Holy Trinity.


In Kirkburton another long standing tradition was upheld as churchgoer, Rachel Atkinson hosted a Shrove Tuesday Supper at her home in Kirkburton as a bit of a fundraiser and social evening for All Hallows and was expecting arond 25 people.  She said: "As a young adult, I used to go the home of one of our congregation on Shrove Tuesday, a lovely blind lady who used to offer Yorkshire Puddings and Gravy.  The night was always such fun, that it was so sad when she gave up hosting this great event and I decided to take over.  We now have giant Yorkshire puddings and Hotpot ! "


But over in Ripponden, there was a pancake party with a difference as the vicar, the Revd Chris Ball celebrated the wedding of two of his parishioners – both in their late 70s! Pancakes were on the menu for the reception!


Said the vicar, the Revd Chris Ball: “I usually host a party at Ripponden Vicarage and advertise it as BYOB - Bring Your Own Batter - but [this year] we’re really celebrating the marriage of two of our parishioners.”

"It should be a pancake party to remember,' he added.













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