Parcevall Hall gives refugees a peaceful introduction to the Dales

Refugees and asylum seekers from war torn parts of the world enjoyed the peaceful setting of Parcevall Hall recently.

The group were all members of Bradford Immigration and Asylum Seekers’ Support and Advice Network (BIASAN) and had two days of activities including walks in the Dales, crafts and kite-making.

The visit to the Anglican Diocese of Leeds’ retreat house was made possible with financial help of the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.

“We’ve been keen to share Parcevall’s peace and hospitality more broadly, and have been fundraising since the start of the year to make this possible,” said Jo Craven, the hall’s warden.

“We’ve been bowled over by people’s generosity, and many thanks must also go to the Friends of Parcevall Hall, who matched the funds raised.”

She said the visit was a great success, with good feedback from the BIASAN members.







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