Parishes to rejuvenate giving with new scheme

A new way to boost regular giving for Parishes will be launched across our Diocese in January 2020. 
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a proven way to boost levels of parish income and also offers a myriad of other benefits for parishes and givers alike.  
Developed ten years ago, 27 dioceses across the UK already trust and use the scheme.
PGS helps regular givers donate safely to their church by direct debit either monthly, quarterly or annually. 
A key feature of this revolutionary scheme is the option to inflation-proof regular giving by linking it to the rate of inflation, thus helping combat static giving and boost a parish’s income.  
The PGS team automatically claim eligible Gift Aid before transferring donations to the church’s bank account every month and that Gift Aid amount follows later the same month.  
This not only reduces the administration burden on church volunteers, but also helps parishes resolve their cash flow problems. 
PGS is currently being piloted by eleven parishes across the Diocese until December 2019 and their feedback is very positive. 
Stewardship Officer Janet Edmond said: “It’s already proving to be fruitful for them.”
Bishop Nick Baines also recommends the Parish Giving Scheme to the Diocese in a short video which can be viewed here on the diocesan website, and where there is also further information and details of special launch events planned for January 2020, which can be found here - /video-diarycontent/parish-giving-scheme.

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