Passion Play draws in the town

The market town of Settle in North Yorkshire held its 11th Passion Play on Good Friday 30 March 2018, with what was widely regarded as its best performance yet.

The Passion Play was organised by Churches Together in Settle and District. As it passed through various parts of the town the audience and passers by joined in.

Joe Dillon, 22, from Hellifield acted Jesus.  For the Dillons, there was a family feel with father, Liam,  playing the Roman Centurion and Joe’s mother Diane, playing a temple worker - a witness at the trial.

The opening scene St John's Methodist Church, was the Last Supper.  The actors and audience then walked to the Millennium Garden next to Booths Car Park, which was the setting for the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed whilst his disciples slept..

Settle Market Place made the dramatic setting for the Trial Scene with excellent performances by all, but especially by Caiaphas (Ray Jones) in front of the Town Hall,  and Pilate, high up on the Shambles ( acted by Michael Cullingworth - also the Producer/Director) and the chief Roman Guard/Centurion (Liam Dillon).



Jesus was led off to the sound of a drum to the Crucifixion Scene which took place in the Churchyard of Holy Ascension Church.

The Revd Stephen Dawson, Area Dean of Bowland and Ewecross played Peter.

"Some actors retired this year but new volunteers meant that this special event went ahead. It was one of the best productions so far with a stirring performance by Joe Dillon who played Jesus with great presence.

“A huge amount of energy is invested in Settle's Passion Play but I am already looking forward to the next one."




Wardrobe Mistress and Secretary of Churches Together in Settle and District, Sally Waterson said:

"The most poignant part for me was Barabbas saying, 'He's taken my place. He's taken my place.' It reminded me that Jesus took my place too."


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