Peregrine watchers at Wakefield Cathedral await fledglings maiden flights

The fledged offspring of Wakefield Cathedral's peregrines are preparing to take to the air, say local experts.

The falcons' nest high on the spire has been fimed, photographed and monitored by local ornithologists and nature watchers since it was installed in 2015.

The fastest birds of prey were frequent visitors to the spire, but only bred there after the box arrived.

And this picture taken this week on Wakefield Naturalists' Society camera shows the four chicks are now fully fledged and ready to go.

On the Wakefield Peregrines Twitter page, a tweet urges people to keep an ear open for news of any young birds that have crash-landed:

"If you hear of any grounded chicks in the next week or two, please ask for them to be taken to a verger at the cathedral."

More details of the Wakefield Peregrine Project can be found on the website

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